Friday, May 13, 2005

Country Doctor

Often we gave Doc Martin a ham or canned fruit or eggs. He would just say, "Oh, give me whatever you can spare. I have to eat too." An office call was always 50 cents, including the medicine, which was kept at the office or in his bag. No drug store visits were necessary. Once in a while if Doc had to lance a boil or stitch up some injury, he might ask for about two dollars.

Doc was a dear, dear person. When I had typhoid fever, Doc wanted me to take castor oil and I cried. He bribed me by giving me a dime for each tablespoon full. He was like part of our family. He had a great deal of compassion. He knew I was really sick, and he cared.

When Evie had appendicitis later, he and his wife took her in his little car, drove 30 miles to the hospital for surgery, and stayed until it was over and she was recovering. His wife let Evie lay on her lap all the way to the hospital.


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